Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Week of Rock

I had one of those weeks that come only so often even less so if you are married with children). I had a chance to go watch Collective Soul in concert. I'll sum up the concert in 2 words: IT ROCKED!

I enjoyed every minute of it. An added bonus to the concert was my discovery of Emerson Hart. He was once the lead singer of Tonic - and now has a solo album. He opened up for Collective Soul. I wasn't expecting much from the opening - as most opening acts are, shall we say, crap. But he was amazing. I loved him so much I purchased his album.

I highly recommend it.

If you want the real CD - go to Barnes and Noble...that was the only place I was able to find it.

Here is a quick pic of Collective Soul. You will have to excuse the inferior quality of the picture. iPhones weren't made to take great pictures.

Days after the concert I headed north with my bro-in-law to chill in IF. He experienced his first mass gathering of nerds at iCon. There was not much rock to be had there - but I did get to rock out jamming with the Linnings one more time. They are truly one talent group of kids. I played a few songs with them that I knew - then after a shameful attempt at a guitar solo I stepped down and just enjoyed the music.

I'm the one who looks like he is trying to keep up.

1 comment:

Johnny Allred said...

I dream about the concert every night. It is the highlight of my life thus far.